The Best Books on: Richard Feynman
Hi there!
As a writer I get a lot of milage from certain topics. Among these are Einstein, Turing, quantum theory, game theory and, Richard P. Feynman. Feynman is essentially beloved by everyone. He embodies that rare researcher who is also an excellent communicator. There are, of course, plenty of excellent first-rate researchers and communicators, but he was both. He won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1965, yet is today best remembered as an excellent teacher of elementary physics. What does that say?

Privatdozent essays on Feynman (as of 2021) include:
When Feynman met Dirac, April 5th 2021
Oppenheimer’s Letter of Recommendation for Richard Feynman (1943), May 22nd 2021
Richard Feynman’s First Lecture, April 23rd 2021